Support For Veterans
No one brings up the fact that 20 percent of the vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from either major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. In fact, 19.5 percent of vets in these two categories have experienced a traumatic brain injury. Every single day 22 veterans commit suicide because they cannot handle the stresses of their illness, from serving. This needs to end. Vets4Life is trying to stop this. Vets4Life purpose is to help combat the ever-growing epidemic of veterans' suicide rates and help these hero transition into civilian life.

Our Story
22 veterans take their own lives everyday. This has to stop! Only veterans with analogous and crucible experiences can comprehend the mental and emotional suffering; the physical injuries; the family and relationship losses and hardships; and grasp the heavy tolls experienced and endured by veterans.
Vets4Life purpose more specifically, with emphasis on combating the ever-growing epidemic of veterans' suicide rates, Vets4Life, Inc. aspires to:
Decrease the strain of post deployment transitioning for veterans by providing access to essential supportive and resource referral services to minimize veterans’ adjustment difficulties and reduce their sense of isolation;
Empower veterans to overcome post deployment obstacles by assisting transitioning veterans in establishing and maintaining a sense of mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, and dignity;
Seek, target, and develop sustainable government, private, and corporate resources that will provide essential supportive resources that will serve as building blocks and avenues to enrich the quality of life for veterans;
Any other activities that may surface to meet the special needs and comes within the perimeters of public and charitable purposes.

Mental Heath
We are here for you
Career Opportunities
Expanding your skills

Civilian Life Transitioning
Moving forward
Please feel free to email media.vets4lifeorg@gmail.com with any questions.

Contact: CEO and Founder: Austin Leffel (760)-277-5112
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Vets4LifeOrg/
Instagram: @Vets4LifeOrg